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Our vision of the future of organizations through digital products.

  • Digital trends for augmented reality in professional sports

  • Using GitHub Copilot and generative AI to accelerate software development

    GitHub Copilot

  • HR Analytics: From Operational to Predictable

  • The future of work: three basic needs shaping the next evolution of work

  • Taking the reins: secrets to a successful project handover

  • How to mitigate spiralling costs in a multiplatform client ecosystem?

    How to mitigate spiralling costs in a multiplatform client ecosystem?

  • AI and human input: the future of product design is collaborative

  • Leveraging data in the age of personalization

    An overview of the different ways of integrating personalization into your digital product.

  • Three levels of AI to improve your efficiency and maximize its impact

  • Reinventing retail: key trends and innovations

    Reinventing Retail: Key Trends and Innovations

  • AI

    Our vision on Artificial Intelligence

  • In my lifetime, I’ve seen two demonstrations of technology that struck me as revolutionary: the GUI and ChatGPT.

    Bill Gates
  • Air Transat

    Using generative AI to better support travellers.

  • The new developer skill set

    Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way we write code and develop software.

    • Rémi Prévost
    • Martin Gagnon
    • Jérémy Aubé

    Podcast · Web3 Development  (French only) 

  • Quality assurance will remain relevant with AI

  • Tomorrow's workspaces

    We have a duty to be optimistic. Because the future is open, not predetermined and therefore cannot just be accepted: we are all responsible for what it holds. Thus it is our duty to fight for a better world.

    David Deutsch
  • The evolution of traditional test cases in quality assurance

  • Putting security & compliance at the heart of software development

  • The future of software engineering: More devices, more data, smarter experiences


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